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vom BPP

Rüdiger Soecknick Vienna

can handle only work very limited on Gdansk due to massive overwork. Please get in touch with Mr. Soecknick before handing in material of Gdansk to be expertized by him. His contact details can be found here.


Dr. Helmut P. Oechsner, Nuremberg,

will stop expertizing the following areas after the 31st of December 2015: Inflation period (German Empire Mi. 98-337, D 16 to 98, Frankfurt, Langenschwalbach, Mecklenburg, Stuhm, Wiesbaden and Erlenhof). All other areas will be continued to be expertized by Dr. Oechsner.


Termination of expertization by the end of 2015

Three longstanding members of the BPP will quit their experting work by the end of 2015:

Dr. Raymond Goebel (France)
Berend Hey (German occupation issues 1914-1918)
Bernd Meyer (German inflation issues)

The Management Board and the members of the BPP thank the retiring colleagues for their many years of successful expertizing and wish them all the best for the future.


Jürgen W. Glaeser died unexpectedly

With great sadness that the Management Board and members of the BPP learn the news of the sudden death of their longtime member Jürgen W. Glaeser from Hagen. Glaeser was the initiator of the “Group of Experts in the BPP,” for many years their spokesman. As a renowned Philatelist Glaeser had gained an excellent reputation in the industry, in addition, he was a dedicated local politician, who until 2014 worked as a district mayor in his hometown of Hagen. Jürgen Glaeser was 74 years old. We bow down in front of a grand, upright man, whom we will miss. Our sympathy in this difficult time is part of his family.
