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vom BPP

Mr Hartmut Winkler, Weil im Schönbuch,

terminates his expertising activity from 01.07.2014 for the area of DR Michel Nos. 98-337, D 16-98 and official control overprints (inflation). Expertising activity for the area of Württemberg will be continued without restriction.


Mr Berend Hey, Bremen,

resumes his expertising activity from 01.07.2014. His expertising areas are the German occupation issues 1914-18 in the Postgebiet Ob. Ost, Dorpat, Poland (without local post) and Romania.



President Christian Geigle closed this year’s members’ meeting of the Federation of Philatelic Expertisers e. V. at 6-10 pm, after an almost eight-hour discussion and voting “Marathon” for the approximately ninety members and guests present. Intensive debate resulted in the best possible decisions; unanimity in many areas and then voting by a narrow majority in a few agenda items could never lead to boredom. But in turn:


Successful BPP attendance at the Essen fair

The expertisers’ stand at the 24th international stamp fair in Essen from 8 to 10 May 2014 was once more an attraction for many collectors and dealers who wanted to go with their treasures for identification purposes or who just had general questions about expertising.

Over 200 consultations during the three days show the great interest of the public in this free service by the BPP, supported by the management of the fair who provided an ideally located, easily accessible stand. “For many visitors it is an absolute highlight, to speak personally with Mr Schlegel. I think that is a real asset of this great event” BPP President Geigle stated. His Board colleague Tworek, the long-standing fair organiser of the expertisers’ federation, was present during all the three days of the event. “Our expertisers are active at fairs with great commitment. The personal contact with our expertising clients is very important, to gain some insight into their needs and problems.”

For the BPP were there were Tobias Huylmans, Hansmichael Krug, Volker Mehlmann, Dr Hans-Karl Penning, Hans-Dieter Schlegel, Rolf Tworek and Michael Wieneke. We are very grateful.
