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Termination of expertizing activities as of 31.12.2023

At the end of the year 2023, three BPP members will end their active
their active expertizing activities in the BPP:

Wolfgang Straub (expertizing area: French zone)

Rolf Tworek (expertizing areas: Danzig, German Reich Michel nos. 98 – 337, D 16 – 98; service control overprints; local issues/emergency measures 1920 – 1923)

Hartmut Winkler (expertizing area: Old Germany – Württemberg Mi. no. 44 – 62, official stamps, telegraph stamps)

The Board and the members of the BPP would like to thank the departing colleagues
for their many years of successful expertizing work and wish them all the best for the future.
all the best for the future.
